SHAREit for Windows

28 November, 2023

Transfer any files easily with SHAREit.

SHAREit for pc is a software for windows which allow us to share and receive files from one place to another place. Nowadays there are hardly any person available around the world who have a android smartphone or a windows pc or don't know about SHAREit.

SHAREit for PC Video

Below is a video tutorial about SHAREit which will taken from the YouTube website and which will help you to understand about SHAREit for pc that how this software will work in windows pc.

SHAREit for PC Introduction

The SHAREit is a one of the most file sharing and receiving software for windows which allow users to share and receive files from one windows desktop to another windows desktop without connecting Bluetooth or any internet connection.

Initially SHAREit was developed by the developers only for android smartphone but now SHAREit also available for windows which allow users to share files in one windows desktop to another device.

Because in windows also sometimes Bluetooth not working properly in that case SHAREit can be used to share and receive files from one desktop device to another desktop device.

There are also many other software available as a alternatives of SHAREit but SHAREit is a best alternatives among all the other file shares software due to many reason.

Xender is the one of the best alternatives of SHAREit and we can say that Xender is a one of the largest competitors of SHAREit which allow to share the files from one device to another device As I told you above that SHAREit is a one of the best alternatives for all similar category software now here we will know about SHAREit that why SHAREit is best from all other file sharing software.

So here one of the biggest reason is the interface of SHAREit. The interface of SHAREit is easy to use and also one another feature SHAREit is no limitations in file sharing.

But in case of some other files transfer software the interface can be complicated and also the in some file sharing software user can only share few numbers of files at a time.

Also the speed of sharing files from one device to another device also great than the other similar category software. So these are the reason which make SHAREit best alternatives for all other file sharing software.

For sharing and receiving files between two devices we need to download and install SHAREit for both the devices and when a file will we sharing or receiving than SHAREit should be opened in both the device at the time of files transmission.

To finding out a nearby device which also have a SHAREit software opened you need to search in your windows desktop. After the another device to with files will be shared and received you have to select that device and now you are able to share and receive files between each others.

SHAREit for PC Features

Take a free and fast file transfer sharing in your windows pc. If we discuss the time before 7 to 10 years than there are only one tool available for file sharing in our windows pc which is known as Bluetooth.

The Bluetooth file sharing was not bad in that time but it consume more time to share files from one system to other system.

So after some years letter lot of peoples found the opportunity and develop software like SHAREit for pc. These software are easy to use and fast file transferrer for multiple platforms.

Now below I have list out some key points or features of SHAREit for pc which will help us to know about that why software for windows like SHAREit are more faster in file sharing.

File sharing make easy

The first thing of these kinds of software in windows pc is that these software are easy to use by which the file sharing is become more easy and faster than the other method of file sharing.

Lightweight tool

These kind of software for windows pc and other platforms are very lightweight and required or need only some low space to download, install and use in our windows personal computer.

Free file transfer tool

Another key feature of SHAREit for pc is that this is a free to use software for windows pc. It means we don't need to pay anything in context to transfer files from one device to another device by using these kinds of software.

Fast working

As I told you above point again and again that these kinds of software are faster than the other method of file sharing in windows pc. So the files will transfer more faster than the usual with these kinds of software for windows pc.

Safe and secure

If we discuss the older techniques for files sharing like Bluetooth than these techniques was not 100% safe and secure. Because if you enable your Bluetooth open more time in your windows pc than it can start harming your pc.

But here if we discuss about the technologies used in these software for file transfer. Than we can say that these software are safe as well as secure because these software are developed with safe and secure technologies.

Send multiple files once within seconds

SHAREit for pc allow you to select all the files which you want to transfer from your computer to another and send it. It means users of these software for windows pc can share multiple files at once from one device to another device.

Developers support

At last here in this point I will go to discuss about that it can be possible that you will face any problem when you use SHAREit for pc in your windows pc. In that case the great thing is that you can get support from the developers of this software.

SHAREit for PC Help Sections

If you want to explore more about SHAREit for pc than you can explore any of the section below about this software. These sections will also help you to get more information about SHAREit for pc.


This section of this software will include all the screenshots of SHAREit for pc. So if you need screenshots of this software for windows pc than you can checked it out.


This section is for adding a review on this software and also you can read all the published reviews on SHAREit for pc. So explore this section in case of adding a review or reading reviews on this software.


If you have any question about the software than you can also use this section to ask questions. By using this section you will also able to checkout the questions and answers on SHAREit for pc.


So that's all about SHAREit. Now here I will not ask you to download SHAREit for windows because nowadays SHAREit is a must have software for windows.

So if you are also need a fast file sharing for your windows desktop than SHAREit can be a great choice for you.

For using SHAREit you have to download and install SHAREit for windows pc and start sharing and receiving files by using one of the best files sharing software named SHAREit for windows.

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